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 “Every company shall have one or more secretaries each of whom shall be a natural person who has his principal or only place of residence in Singapore.” 

—— Section 171(1) of the Companies Act (Chapter 50)

Why You Need a Corporate Secretary?

In Singapore, for all the local register company, it is required to appoint a Company Secretary within six months after a company is successfully incorporated. 

The main duty of a Company Secretary is to advice the Board of Directors all matter pertaining to the company. Importantly, the appointee must be residing in Singapore (Singapore Citizen or Singapore PR) and he or she must not be the sole director of the company.

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Company secretary are responsible for the efficient administration of a company, ensuring that an organisation complies with standard financial and statutory practice and requirement, maintains high standards of corporate governance, ensuring the integrity of the governance framework.

Thereby corporate secretary must have a thorough understanding of all the statutory compliance and act upon in a timely and accurate manner on company procedures and developments to avoid unnecessary non-compliance penalties. A responsible corporate secretary is critical for a company to comply with filing requirements.

Our Corporate Services Includes

Singapore Corporate Services Package

  • Incorporation of companies domiciled in Singapore.
  • Act as corporate secretarial agent for companies
  • Compliance of corporate services required by the corporate regulatory
  • Act as nominee directors for companies
  • Provision of registered office

Value Added Services

One-stop solution to your company operations

  • Annual general meeting (AGM)

  • Annual returns

  • Share Transfer

  • Striking off of Company and etc